3D Figures of Flash

Figure of Flash with classic suit

Figure of Flash with head without mask

Figure of Flash with new 52 suit

Figures of Flash


Private project of two realistic figures of Flash, with two different costumes in the same pose, in 3D.


After researching and seeking references in Flash and Justice League comics, we made several tests.

The first thing we did was to create the anatomical basis to define the proportion and character musculature.

Once we get the desired anatomy, we studying different poses and we started working on different costumes, detailing the 52 suit by hand to made it realistic.

Finally, we made a design for the base taking into account that, if it were produced, it would be transparent resin to achieve water effect. We use water modeling to hold the figure to the base and not fall.


We managed to develop two realistic figures of Flash, one with its classic suit and another with its new 52 suit, which can be exchanged on the same base.

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