Legal Notice

This Legal Notice establishes the general information providers services, through the Information Society, are obliged to make available to consumers and users as required by Art.10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. General conditions that regulate access and purpose of the website, which is owned by David Fernández Barruz.

Access to and usage of the website implies the express and full acceptance of these general conditions in the version published at the time the user accesses it, without prejudice to any special conditions which may be applied in some of the specific services of the website.


Access to assign the condition of user and it involve full and unreserved acceptance thereof every one of the conditions contained in this Legal Notice. The content of this Legal Notice may be modified, so its acceptance by the user will respect the Legal Notice published by Barruz Studio in the specific moment the user accesses the website. Therefore, each time the user accesses the website, you should carefully read this Legal Notice. Furthermore, access to the website is subject to all notices, conditions of use and instructions given to the user by Barruz Studio to replace, complete and / or modify this Legal warning.


The user agrees to use the services, products and utilities offered by Barruz Studio through the website of accordance with the law, this Legal Notice and other notices and instructions given for your information, as well as morality and decency generally accepted and public order. It also undertakes to make a appropriate use of services and / or contents of the website and not to use them for illegal or criminal activities and / or violate the regulations on intellectual and industrial property, or any other forms of law applicable. In general, access to the information and utilities website may or may not require prior subscription or User Registration. For this purpose the user guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all personal data provided to complete the subscription or registration form. The user agrees and responsible to keep all information provided so that it responds at all time, in its current situation. The processing of personal data will you provide will be held by Barruz Studio subject to the Privacy Policy contained on this website.


All trademarks, trade names, emblems, services, contents and information of any kind that appear on this website are property of Barruz Studio, so may not be reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated, transformed or modified without authorization of Barruz Studio. By contents of this website we understand, without this list not limited to, texts, photographs, graphics, images, softwares, links and other audiovisual or audio content, as well as its graphic design and source codes. The user shall not obtain the content using ways or procedures other than those, as appropriate, they have been made available or, in general, those used on the Internet provided that the latter do not involve a risk or damage or disable the Website and / or its contents. Possible references made on the website of Barruz Studio to any product, service, process, link, hypertext or any other information using the trademark, trade name or manufacturer or supplier, etc. that are owned by third parties does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by Barruz Studio.


The information presented on this website is shown with a purpose purely informative and indicative. Barruz Studio will do everything possible for all information reflected in the website to be as accurate as possible. Barruz Studio reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate on the website, may modify, delete and include, unilaterally and without notice, new content and / or services, as well as the way they are presented and located. Similarly, the user accepts Barruz Studio the right to modify and update periodically the present conditions of use as well as the specific ones of each service and its free or paid basis. Unless stated otherwise, the introduction of any characteristic that modifies current services and / or the introduction of new services will be subject to the present conditions of use.


Contents: The data, texts, information, images or sounds published in are displayed with merely effects informative for all those interested in them, without their access generates commercial, contractual or professional relationship between users and Barruz Studio. In case of discrepancy between the information contained in the website and in the paper one, the latter prevails. The user is cautioned that before taking any action arising from the content of the website, proceed to verify the information obtained by contacting through email address Studio accepts no responsibility regarding the accuracy of the contents, or the damages of any kind that may arise from errors or omissions of the information contained in these pages.

Availability and continuity: Barruz Studio excludes, according to the extent allowed our law, any liability for damages of any kind caused by the lack of availability or continued access to the website and its services. Access to information and services provided at this website has an indefinitely duration, so far. However, Barruz Studio may terminate or suspend access to their website at any time.

Viruses and malicious code: Barruz Studio excludes, according to the extent allowed our law, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or other malicious code in the contents that can harm the computer system, electronic documents or files users.

Linking:Barruz Studio excludes, according to the extent allowed our law, any liability for damages of any kind caused to users by the use of technical devices links (links), directories and search tools that allow users to access website owned and / or managed by third parties.

Illicit use: Barruz Studio is not responsible for the breach of any applicable rule that may be incurred by the user’s access to the website and / or use of the information contained therein. It is not responsible either for the illegitimate use that third parties may make of the trade names, trademarks or other distinctive signs that are not property of Barruz Studio, appearing on the website.


Barruz Studio handle your personal data with strict adherence to its policy Privacy on this website.


Barruz Studio may or not maintain advertising campaigns for promoting their products and services. All campaigns are conducted in online environments or other environments refer to this website. The advertising campaigns scrupulously respect the profession, colleagues that integrate and comply with the Code of Ethics ICAM, the Statute General of the Spanish Law, the Unfair Competition Law and the General Law Advertising.


All notifications or communications made by users to Barruz Studio will be effective for all purposes, when it’s sent directly by e-mail to, proving identity. Similarly, all notifications made by Barruz Studio will be effective for all purposes, when it’s sent by e-mail to the address that the user has previously provided to the Barruz Studio. Therefore, for these notifications to be effected, it is necessary the user expresses that all data provided by him are true and today, pledging to notify any changes thereto.


Legislation applicable to this Legal Notice shall be Spanish law, and any legal claims that this website cause will be the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid.

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